
DeepHyper command line interface.

It can be used in the shell with:

$ deephyper --help

usage: deephyper [-h] {hps,nas,new-problem,ray-cluster,ray-submit,start-project} ...

DeepHyper command line.

positional arguments:
    hps                 Command line to run hyperparameter search.
    nas                 Command line to run neural architecture search.
    new-problem         Tool to init an hyper-parameter search package or a neural architecture search problem folder.
    start-project       Set up a new project folder for DeepHyper benchmarks

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit

Create a DeepHyper Problem#

Command line to create a new problem subpackage in a DeepHyper projet package.

It can be used with:

$ deephyper new-problem hps problem_name

Start a DeepHyper Project#

Command line to create a new DeepHyper project package. The package is automatically installed to the current virtual Python environment.

It can be used with:

$ deephyper start-project project_name