Source code for

import copy
from typing import Any, Dict, Hashable, List, Tuple

from import Storage

[docs]class MemoryStorage(Storage): """Storage client for local in-memory storage. This backend does not allow to share the data between evaluators running in different processes. """ def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self._search_id_counter = 0 self._data = {} def _connect(self): self.connected = True def __getstate__(self): state = {"_search_id_counter": 0, "_data": {}, "connected": False} return state def __setstate__(self, newstate): self.__dict__.update(newstate) self.connect()
[docs] def create_new_job(self, search_id: Hashable) -> Hashable: """Creates a new job in the store and returns its identifier. Args: search_id (Hashable): The identifier of the search in which a new job is created. Returns: Hashable: The created identifier of the job. """ partial_id = self._data[search_id]["job_id_counter"] partial_id = f"{partial_id}" # converting to str job_id = f"{search_id}.{partial_id}" self._data[search_id]["job_id_counter"] += 1 self._data[search_id]["data"][partial_id] = { "in": None, "out": None, "metadata": {}, "intermediate": {"budget": [], "objective": []}, } return job_id
[docs] def store_job(self, job_id: Hashable, key: Hashable, value: Any) -> None: """Stores the value corresponding to key for job_id. Args: job_id (Hashable): The identifier of the job. key (Hashable): A key to use to store the value. value (Any): The value to store. """ search_id, partial_id = job_id.split(".") self._data[search_id]["data"][partial_id][key] = value
[docs] def store_job_in( self, job_id: Hashable, args: Tuple = None, kwargs: Dict = None ) -> None: """Stores the input arguments of the executed job. Args: job_id (Hashable): The identifier of the job. args (Optional[Tuple], optional): The positional arguments. Defaults to None. kwargs (Optional[Dict], optional): The keyword arguments. Defaults to None. """ self.store_job(job_id, key="in", value={"args": args, "kwargs": kwargs})
[docs] def store_job_out(self, job_id: Hashable, value: Any) -> None: """Stores the output value of the executed job. Args: job_id (Hashable): The identifier of the job. value (Any): The value to store. """ self.store_job(job_id, key="out", value=value)
[docs] def store_job_metadata(self, job_id: Hashable, key: Hashable, value: Any) -> None: """Stores other metadata related to the execution of the job. Args: job_id (Hashable): The identifier of the job. key (Hashable): A key to use to store the metadata of the given job. value (Any): The value to store. """ search_id, partial_id = job_id.split(".") self._data[search_id]["data"][partial_id]["metadata"][key] = value
[docs] def load_all_search_ids(self) -> List[Hashable]: """Loads the identifiers of all recorded searches. Returns: List[Hashable]: A list of identifiers of all the recorded searches. """ return list(self._data.keys())
[docs] def load_all_job_ids(self, search_id: Hashable) -> List[Hashable]: """Loads the identifiers of all recorded jobs in the search. Args: search_id (Hashable): The identifier of the search. Returns: List[Hashable]: A list of identifiers of all the jobs. """ partial_ids = self._data[search_id]["data"].keys() job_ids = [f"{search_id}.{p_id}" for p_id in partial_ids] return job_ids
[docs] def load_job(self, job_id: Hashable) -> dict: """Loads the data of a job. Args: job_id (Hashable): The identifier of the job. Returns: dict: The corresponding data of the job. """ search_id, partial_id = job_id.split(".") data = self._data[search_id]["data"][partial_id] return copy.deepcopy(data)
[docs] def store_search_value( self, search_id: Hashable, key: Hashable, value: Any ) -> None: """Stores the value corresponding to key for search_id. Args: search_id (Hashable): The identifier of the job. key (Hashable): A key to use to store the value. value (Any): The value to store. """ self._data[search_id][key] = value
[docs] def load_search_value(self, search_id: Hashable, key: Hashable) -> Any: """Loads the value corresponding to key for search_id. Args: search_id (Hashable): The identifier of the job. key (Hashable): A key to use to access the value. """ return self._data[search_id][key]
[docs] def load_metadata_from_all_jobs( self, search_id: Hashable, key: Hashable ) -> List[Any]: """Loads a given metadata value from all jobs. Args: search_id (Hashable): The identifier of the search. key (Hashable): The identifier of the value. Returns: List[Any]: A list of all the retrieved metadata values. """ search_id values = [] for job_data_i in self._data[search_id]["data"].values(): value_i = job_data_i["metadata"].get(key, None) if value_i is not None: values.append(value_i) return values
[docs] def load_out_from_all_jobs(self, search_id: Hashable) -> List[Any]: """Loads the output value from all jobs. Args: search_id (Hashable): The identifier of the search. Returns: List[Any]: A list of all the retrieved output values. """ values = [] for job_data_i in self._data[search_id]["data"].values(): value_i = job_data_i["out"] if value_i is not None: values.append(value_i) return values
[docs] def load_jobs(self, job_ids: List[Hashable]) -> dict: """Load all data from a given list of jobs' identifiers. Args: job_ids (list): The list of job identifiers. Returns: dict: A dictionnary of the retrieved values where the keys are the identifier of jobs. """ data = {} for job_id in job_ids: search_id, partial_id = job_id.split(".") job_data = self._data[search_id]["data"][partial_id] data[job_id] = job_data return data