Source code for deephyper.nas.preprocessing._base

"""The preprocessing module provides a few functions which returns a preprocessing pipeline following the Scikit-Learn API.
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, MinMaxScaler

[docs]def stdscaler() -> Pipeline: """Standard normalization where the mean is of each row is set to zero and the standard deviation is set to one. Returns: Pipeline: a pipeline with one step ``StandardScaler``. """ preprocessor = Pipeline([("stdscaler", StandardScaler())]) return preprocessor
def minmaxscaler() -> Pipeline: """Standard normalization where the mean is of each row is set to zero and the standard deviation is set to one. Returns: Pipeline: a pipeline with one step ``StandardScaler``. """ preprocessor = Pipeline([("minmaxscaler", MinMaxScaler())]) return preprocessor
[docs]def minmaxstdscaler() -> Pipeline: """MinMax preprocesssing followed by Standard normalization. Returns: Pipeline: a pipeline with two steps ``[MinMaxScaler, StandardScaler]``. """ preprocessor = Pipeline( [ ("minmaxscaler", MinMaxScaler()), ("stdscaler", StandardScaler()), ] ) return preprocessor