class str = None, path: str = None)[source]#

Bases: ABC

Database Manager, for saving DeepHyper experiments and accessing/modifying the resulting databases.

Example Usage:

>>> dbm = DBManager(username="Bob", path="path/to/db.json")
  • username (str, optional) – the name of the user accessing the database. Defaults to os.getlogin().

  • path (str, optional) – the path to the database. Defaults to "~/.deephyper/local_db.json".



Adds an experiment to the database.


Deletes an experiment from the database.


Retrieve the desired experiment from the database.


Returns an iterator over the records stored in the database.

add(log_dir: str, label: str = None, description: str = None, pip_versions: str | bool = True, metadata: dict = None) int[source]#

Adds an experiment to the database.

Example Usage:

>>> dbm = DBManager(username="Bob", path="path/to/db.json")
>>> metadata = {"machine": "ThetaGPU", "n_nodes": 4, "num_gpus_per_node": 8}
>>> dbm.add("path/to/search/log_dir/", label="exp_101", description="The experiment 101", metadata=metadata)
  • log_dir (str) – the path to the search’s logging directory.

  • label (str, optional) – the label wished for the experiment. Defaults to None.

  • description (str, optional) – the description wished for the experiment. Defaults to None.

  • pip_versions (str or bool, optional) – a boolean for which False means that we don’t store any pip version checkpoint, and True that we store the current pip version checkpoint ; or the path to a .json file corresponding to the ouptut of pip list --format json. Defaults to True.

  • metadata (dict, optional) – a dictionary of metadata. When the same key is found in the default default_metadata and the passed metadata then the values from default_metadata are overriden by metadata values. Defaults to None.

delete(ids: list)[source]#

Deletes an experiment from the database.

Example Usage:

>>> dbm = DBManager(username="Bob", path="path/to/db.json")
>>> dbm.delete([23, 16])

ids (list) – indexes of the records to delete.

get(cond=None, exp_id=None)[source]#

Retrieve the desired experiment from the database.

Example Usage:

>>> dbm = DBManager(username="Bob", path="path/to/db.json")
>>> dbm.get(23)
  • cond (tinydb.Query) – a search condition.

  • exp_id (int) – index of the record to delete.


the retrieved documents in the database.

Return type:



Returns an iterator over the records stored in the database.

Example Usage:

>>> dbm = DBManager(username="Bob", path="path/to/db.json")
>>> experiments = dbm.list()
>>> for exp in experiments:
>>>     ...