Source code for

import collections

import numpy as np

import deephyper.skopt
from deephyper.problem._hyperparameter import convert_to_skopt_space
from import RegularizedEvolution

# Adapt minimization -> maximization with DeepHyper
MAP_liar_strategy = {
    "cl_min": "cl_max",
    "cl_max": "cl_min",
MAP_acq_func = {
    "UCB": "LCB",

[docs]class AgEBO(RegularizedEvolution): """`Aging evolution with Bayesian Optimization <>`_. This algorithm build on the `Regularized Evolution <>`_. It cumulates Hyperparameter optimization with Bayesian optimisation and Neural architecture search with regularized evolution. Args: problem (NaProblem): Neural architecture search problem describing the search space to explore. evaluator (Evaluator): An ``Evaluator`` instance responsible of distributing the tasks. random_state (int, optional): Random seed. Defaults to None. log_dir (str, optional): Log directory where search's results are saved. Defaults to ".". verbose (int, optional): Indicate the verbosity level of the search. Defaults to 0. population_size (int, optional): the number of individuals to keep in the population. Defaults to ``100``. sample_size (int, optional): the number of individuals that should participate in each tournament. Defaults to ``10``. n_initial_points (int, optional): Number of collected objectives required before fitting the surrogate-model. Defaults to ``10``. initial_points (List[Dict], optional): A list of initial points to evaluate where each point is a dictionnary where keys are names of hyperparameters and values their corresponding choice. Defaults to ``None`` for them to be generated randomly from the search space. surrogate_model (str, optional): Surrogate model used by the Bayesian optimization. Can be a value in ``["RF", "ET", "GBRT", "DUMMY"]``. Defaults to ``"RF"``. acq_func (str, optional): Acquisition function used by the Bayesian optimization. Can be a value in ``["UCB", "EI", "PI", "gp_hedge"]``. Defaults to ``"UCB"``. kappa (float, optional): Manage the exploration/exploitation tradeoff for the "UCB" acquisition function. Defaults to ``0.001`` for strong exploitation. xi (float, optional): Manage the exploration/exploitation tradeoff of ``"EI"`` and ``"PI"`` acquisition function. Defaults to ``0.000001`` for strong exploitation. n_points (int, optional): The number of configurations sampled from the search space to infer each batch of new evaluated configurations. Defaults to ``10000``. liar_strategy (str, optional): Definition of the constant value use for the Liar strategy. Can be a value in ``["cl_min", "cl_mean", "cl_max"]`` . Defaults to ``"cl_max"``. n_jobs (int, optional): Number of parallel processes used to fit the surrogate model of the Bayesian optimization. A value of ``-1`` will use all available cores. Defaults to ``1``. sync_communcation (bool, optional): Performs the search in a batch-synchronous manner. Defaults to ``False`` for asynchronous updates. """ def __init__( self, problem, evaluator, random_state: int = None, log_dir: str = ".", verbose: int = 0, # RE population_size: int = 100, sample_size: int = 10, # BO n_initial_points: int = 10, initial_points=None, surrogate_model: str = "RF", acq_func: str = "UCB", kappa: float = 0.001, xi: float = 0.000001, n_points: int = 10000, liar_strategy: str = "cl_max", n_jobs: int = 1, sync_communication: bool = False, ): super().__init__( problem, evaluator, random_state, log_dir, verbose, population_size, sample_size, ) # Initialize opitmizer of hyperparameter space if len(self._problem._hp_space._space) == 0: raise ValueError( "No hyperparameter space was defined for this problem use 'RegularizedEvolution' instead!" ) # check input parameters surrogate_model_allowed = ["RF", "ET", "GBRT", "DUMMY"] if not (surrogate_model in surrogate_model_allowed): raise ValueError( f"Parameter 'surrogate_model={surrogate_model}' should have a value in {surrogate_model_allowed}!" ) acq_func_allowed = ["UCB", "EI", "PI", "gp_hedge"] if not (acq_func in acq_func_allowed): raise ValueError( f"Parameter 'acq_func={acq_func}' should have a value in {acq_func_allowed}!" ) if not (np.isscalar(kappa)): raise ValueError("Parameter 'kappa' should be a scalar value!") if not (np.isscalar(xi)): raise ValueError("Parameter 'xi' should be a scalar value!") if not (type(n_points) is int): raise ValueError("Parameter 'n_points' shoud be an integer value!") liar_strategy_allowed = ["cl_min", "cl_mean", "cl_max"] if not (liar_strategy in liar_strategy_allowed): raise ValueError( f"Parameter 'liar_strategy={liar_strategy}' should have a value in {liar_strategy_allowed}!" ) if not (type(n_jobs) is int): raise ValueError("Parameter 'n_jobs' should be an integer value!") self._n_initial_points = n_initial_points self._initial_points = [] if initial_points is not None and len(initial_points) > 0: for point in initial_points: if isinstance(point, list): self._initial_points.append(point) elif isinstance(point, dict): self._initial_points.append( [point[hp_name] for hp_name in problem.hyperparameter_names] ) else: raise ValueError( f"Initial points should be dict or list but {type(point)} was given!" ) self._liar_strategy = MAP_liar_strategy.get(liar_strategy, liar_strategy) base_estimator = self._get_surrogate_model( surrogate_model, n_jobs, random_state=self._random_state.randint(0, 2**31) ) # Map the ConfigSpace to Skop Space self._hp_opt_space = convert_to_skopt_space( self._problem._hp_space._space, surrogate_model=surrogate_model ) self._hp_opt = None self._hp_opt_kwargs = dict( acq_optimizer="sampling", acq_optimizer_kwargs={ "n_points": n_points, "filter_duplicated": False, }, dimensions=self._hp_opt_space, base_estimator=base_estimator, acq_func=MAP_acq_func.get(acq_func, acq_func), acq_func_kwargs={"xi": xi, "kappa": kappa}, n_initial_points=self._n_initial_points, initial_points=self._initial_points, random_state=self._random_state, ) self._gather_type = "ALL" if sync_communication else "BATCH" def _setup_hp_optimizer(self): self._hp_opt = deephyper.skopt.Optimizer(**self._hp_opt_kwargs) def _saved_keys(self, job): res = {"arch_seq": str(job.config["arch_seq"])} hp_names = self._problem._hp_space._space.get_hyperparameter_names() for hp_name in hp_names: if hp_name == "loss": res["loss"] = job.config["loss"] else: res[hp_name] = job.config["hyperparameters"][hp_name] return res def _search(self, max_evals, timeout): if self._hp_opt is None: self._setup_hp_optimizer() num_evals_done = 0 population = collections.deque(maxlen=self._population_size) # Filling available nodes at start batch = self._gen_random_batch(size=self._evaluator.num_workers) self._evaluator.submit(batch) # Main loop while max_evals < 0 or num_evals_done < max_evals: # Collecting finished evaluations new_results = list(self._evaluator.gather(self._gather_type, size=1)) if len(new_results) > 0: population.extend(new_results) self._evaluator.dump_evals( saved_keys=self._saved_keys, log_dir=self._log_dir ) num_received = len(new_results) num_evals_done += num_received hp_results_X, hp_results_y = [], [] # If the population is big enough evolve the population if len(population) == self._population_size: children_batch = [] # For each new parent/result we create a child from it for new_i in range(len(new_results)): # select_sample indexes = self._random_state.choice( self._population_size, self._sample_size, replace=False ) sample = [population[i] for i in indexes] # select_parent parent = self._select_parent(sample) # copy_mutate_parent child = self._copy_mutate_arch(parent) # add child to batch children_batch.append(child) # collect infos for hp optimization new_i_hp_values = self._problem.extract_hp_values( config=new_results[new_i][0] ) new_i_y = new_results[new_i][1] if new_i_y == "F": new_i_y = -np.inf hp_results_X.append(new_i_hp_values) hp_results_y.append(-new_i_y) self._hp_opt.tell(hp_results_X, hp_results_y) # !fit: costly new_hps = self._hp_opt.ask( n_points=len(new_results), strategy=self._liar_strategy ) new_configs = [] for hp_values, child_arch_seq in zip(new_hps, children_batch): new_config = self._problem.gen_config(child_arch_seq, hp_values) new_configs.append(new_config) # submit_childs if len(new_results) > 0: self._evaluator.submit(new_configs) else: # If the population is too small keep increasing it # For each new parent/result we create a child from it for new_i in range(len(new_results)): new_i_hp_values = self._problem.extract_hp_values( config=new_results[new_i][0] ) new_i_y = new_results[new_i][1] hp_results_X.append(new_i_hp_values) hp_results_y.append(-new_i_y) self._hp_opt.tell(hp_results_X, hp_results_y) # !fit: costly new_hps = self._hp_opt.ask( n_points=len(new_results), strategy=self._liar_strategy ) new_batch = self._gen_random_batch( size=len(new_results), hps=new_hps ) self._evaluator.submit(new_batch) def _gen_random_batch(self, size: int, hps: list = None) -> list: batch = [] if hps is None: points = self._hp_opt.ask(n_points=size) for hp_values in points: arch_seq = self._random_search_space() config = self._problem.gen_config(arch_seq, hp_values) batch.append(config) else: # passed hps are used assert size == len(hps) for hp_values in hps: arch_seq = self._random_search_space() config = self._problem.gen_config(arch_seq, hp_values) batch.append(config) return batch def _copy_mutate_arch(self, parent_arch: list) -> list: """ # ! Time performance is critical because called sequentialy Args: parent_arch (list(int)): embedding of the parent's architecture. Returns: dict: embedding of the mutated architecture of the child. """ i = self._random_state.choice(len(parent_arch)) child_arch = parent_arch[:] range_upper_bound = self.space_list[i][1] elements = [j for j in range(range_upper_bound + 1) if j != child_arch[i]] # The mutation has to create a different search_space! sample = self._random_state.choice(elements, 1)[0] child_arch[i] = sample return child_arch def _get_surrogate_model( self, name: str, n_jobs: int = None, random_state: int = None ): """Get a surrogate model from Scikit-Optimize. Args: name (str): name of the surrogate model. n_jobs (int): number of parallel processes to distribute the computation of the surrogate model. Raises: ValueError: when the name of the surrogate model is unknown. """ accepted_names = ["RF", "ET", "GBRT", "DUMMY"] if not (name in accepted_names): raise ValueError( f"Unknown surrogate model {name}, please choose among {accepted_names}." ) if name == "RF": surrogate = deephyper.skopt.learning.RandomForestRegressor( n_jobs=n_jobs, random_state=random_state ) elif name == "ET": surrogate = deephyper.skopt.learning.ExtraTreesRegressor( n_jobs=n_jobs, random_state=random_state ) elif name == "GBRT": surrogate = deephyper.skopt.learning.GradientBoostingQuantileRegressor( n_jobs=n_jobs, random_state=random_state ) else: # for DUMMY and GP surrogate = name return surrogate