Build and Release#
This document describes how to build and release new wheels for DeepHyper.
First check the status of Python versions as it is important to know which becomes are currently supported and which are not. See for more information.
Go to the develop branch: git checkout develop.
Run unittests located at deephyper/tests/ with:
$ pytest --run fast,slow,hps,nas,ray,mpi tests
Run doctests located at deephyper/docs/ with:
$ make doctest
Check the deephyper/, edit VERSION and __version_suffix__.
Start the git flow release branch:
$ git flow release start <version>
End the release:
$ EDITOR=vim git flow release finish <version>
Push commits and tags:
$ git push origin --tags
Make sure to be on the correct branch/tag
For final release only:
build and publish the wheel to python testupload
try to install the wheel upload to Test PyPI: python testinstall
build and publish the wheel to python upload
try to install the wheel upload to PyPI: pip install deephyper==$VERSION