3. Multi-Fidelity Hyperparameter Optimiaztion for Classification with Tabular Data (Tensorflow/Keras2)#
In this tutorial we present how to use hyperparameter optimization on an example from the Keras documentation. We follow the previous tutorial based on the same example and add multi-fidelity to it. The purpose of multi-fidelity is to dynamically manage the budget allocated (also called fidelity) to evaluate an hyperparameter configuration. For example, when training a deep neural network the number of epochs can be continued or stopped based on currently observed performance and some policy.
In DeepHyper, the multi-fidelity agent is designed separately from the hyperparameter search agent. Of course, both can communicate but from an API perspective they are different objects. The multi-fidelity agents are called Stopper
in DeepHyper and their documentation can be found at deephyper.stopper.
In this notebook, we will demonstrate how to use multi-fidelity inside sequential Bayesian optimization. When moving to a distributed setting, it is important to use a shared memory accessible by all workers otherwise the multi-fidelity scheme may not work properly. An example, of database instanciation for parallel computing is explained in: Introduction to Distributed Bayesian Optimization (DBO) with MPI (Communication) and Redis (Storage).
Reference: This tutorial is based on materials from the Keras Documentation: Structured data classification from scratch
Let us start with installing DeepHyper!
Since the release of Keras 3.0, this tutorial should be run with tf-keras
(link to pypi).
import deephyper
import deephyper.stopper.lce
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError):
!pip install "deephyper[tf-keras2,jax-cpu]"
import deephyper
import deephyper.stopper.lce
The following environment variables can be used to avoid the logging of some Tensorflow DEBUG, INFO and WARNING statements.
import os
os.environ["TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL"] = str(4)
os.environ["AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY"] = str(0)
3.1. Imports#
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow as tf
import tf_keras as tfk
3.2. The dataset (from Keras.io)#
The dataset is provided by the Cleveland Clinic Foundation for Heart Disease. It’s a CSV file with 303 rows. Each row contains information about a patient (a sample), and each column describes an attribute of the patient (a feature). We use the features to predict whether a patient has a heart disease (binary classification).
Here’s the description of each feature:
Column |
Description |
Feature Type |
Age |
Age in years |
Numerical |
Sex |
(1 = male; 0 = female) |
Categorical |
CP |
Chest pain type (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) |
Categorical |
Trestbpd |
Resting blood pressure (in mm Hg on admission) |
Numerical |
Chol |
Serum cholesterol in mg/dl |
Numerical |
fasting blood sugar in 120 mg/dl (1 = true; 0 = false) |
Categorical |
RestECG |
Resting electrocardiogram results (0, 1, 2) |
Categorical |
Thalach |
Maximum heart rate achieved |
Numerical |
Exang |
Exercise induced angina (1 = yes; 0 = no) |
Categorical |
Oldpeak |
ST depression induced by exercise relative to rest |
Numerical |
Slope |
Slope of the peak exercise ST segment |
Numerical |
CA |
Number of major vessels (0-3) colored by fluoroscopy |
Both numerical & categorical |
Thal |
3 = normal; 6 = fixed defect; 7 = reversible defect |
Categorical |
Target |
Diagnosis of heart disease (1 = true; 0 = false) |
Target |
def load_data():
file_url = "http://storage.googleapis.com/download.tensorflow.org/data/heart.csv"
dataframe = pd.read_csv(file_url)
val_dataframe = dataframe.sample(frac=0.2, random_state=1337)
train_dataframe = dataframe.drop(val_dataframe.index)
return train_dataframe, val_dataframe
def dataframe_to_dataset(dataframe):
dataframe = dataframe.copy()
labels = dataframe.pop("target")
ds = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((dict(dataframe), labels))
ds = ds.shuffle(buffer_size=len(dataframe))
return ds
3.3. Preprocessing & encoding of features#
The next cells use tfk.layers.Normalization()
to apply standard scaling on the features.
Then, the tfk.layers.StringLookup
and tfk.layers.IntegerLookup
are used to encode categorical variables.
def encode_numerical_feature(feature, name, dataset):
# Create a Normalization layer for our feature
normalizer = tfk.layers.Normalization()
# Prepare a Dataset that only yields our feature
feature_ds = dataset.map(lambda x, y: x[name])
feature_ds = feature_ds.map(lambda x: tf.expand_dims(x, -1))
# Learn the statistics of the data
# Normalize the input feature
encoded_feature = normalizer(feature)
return encoded_feature
def encode_categorical_feature(feature, name, dataset, is_string):
lookup_class = (
tfk.layers.StringLookup if is_string else tfk.layers.IntegerLookup
# Create a lookup layer which will turn strings into integer indices
lookup = lookup_class(output_mode="binary")
# Prepare a Dataset that only yields our feature
feature_ds = dataset.map(lambda x, y: x[name])
feature_ds = feature_ds.map(lambda x: tf.expand_dims(x, -1))
# Learn the set of possible string values and assign them a fixed integer index
# Turn the string input into integer indices
encoded_feature = lookup(feature)
return encoded_feature
3.4. Define the run-function with multi-fidelity#
The run-function defines how the objective that we want to maximize is computed. It takes a job
(see deephyper.evaluator.RunningJob) as input and outputs a scaler value or dictionnary (see deephyper.evaluator). The objective is always maximized in DeepHyper. The job.parameters
contains a suggested
configuration of hyperparameters that we want to evaluate. In this example we will search for:
(default value:32
(default value:"relu"
(default value:0.5
(default value:32
(default value:1e-3
A hyperparameter value can be acessed easily in the dictionary through the corresponding key, for example job["units"]
or job.parameters["units"]
are both valid. Unlike the previous tutorial in this example we want to use multi-fidelity to dynamically choose the allocated budget of each evaluation. Therefore we use the tensorflow keras integration of stoppers deephyper.stopper.integration.TFKerasStopperCallback
. The multi-fidelity agent will monitor the validation accuracy
) in the context of maximization. This stopper_callback
is then added to the callbacks used by the model during the training. In order to collect more information about the execution of our job we use the @profile
decorator on the run-function which will collect execution timings (timestamp_start
and timestamp_end
). We will also add "metadata"
to the output of our function to know how many epochs were used to evaluate each model. To learn more about how the
decorator can be used check our tutorial on Understanding the pros and cons of Evaluator parallel backends.
stopper_callback = TFKerasStopperCallback(
history = model.fit(
objective = history.history["val_accuracy"][-1]
metadata = {"budget": stopper_callback.budget}
return {"objective": objective, "metadata": metadata}
import json
from deephyper.evaluator import profile, RunningJob
from deephyper.stopper.integration.tf_keras2 import TFKerasStopperCallback
def run(job: RunningJob):
config = job.parameters
def create_and_fit_model():
import absl.logging
# Load data and split into validation set
train_dataframe, val_dataframe = load_data()
train_ds = dataframe_to_dataset(train_dataframe)
val_ds = dataframe_to_dataset(val_dataframe)
train_ds = train_ds.batch(config["batch_size"])
val_ds = val_ds.batch(config["batch_size"])
# Categorical features encoded as integers
sex = tfk.Input(shape=(1,), name="sex", dtype="int64")
cp = tfk.Input(shape=(1,), name="cp", dtype="int64")
fbs = tfk.Input(shape=(1,), name="fbs", dtype="int64")
restecg = tfk.Input(shape=(1,), name="restecg", dtype="int64")
exang = tfk.Input(shape=(1,), name="exang", dtype="int64")
ca = tfk.Input(shape=(1,), name="ca", dtype="int64")
# Categorical feature encoded as string
thal = tfk.Input(shape=(1,), name="thal", dtype="string")
# Numerical features
age = tfk.Input(shape=(1,), name="age")
trestbps = tfk.Input(shape=(1,), name="trestbps")
chol = tfk.Input(shape=(1,), name="chol")
thalach = tfk.Input(shape=(1,), name="thalach")
oldpeak = tfk.Input(shape=(1,), name="oldpeak")
slope = tfk.Input(shape=(1,), name="slope")
all_inputs = [
# Integer categorical features
sex_encoded = encode_categorical_feature(sex, "sex", train_ds, False)
cp_encoded = encode_categorical_feature(cp, "cp", train_ds, False)
fbs_encoded = encode_categorical_feature(fbs, "fbs", train_ds, False)
restecg_encoded = encode_categorical_feature(restecg, "restecg", train_ds, False)
exang_encoded = encode_categorical_feature(exang, "exang", train_ds, False)
ca_encoded = encode_categorical_feature(ca, "ca", train_ds, False)
# String categorical features
thal_encoded = encode_categorical_feature(thal, "thal", train_ds, True)
# Numerical features
age_encoded = encode_numerical_feature(age, "age", train_ds)
trestbps_encoded = encode_numerical_feature(trestbps, "trestbps", train_ds)
chol_encoded = encode_numerical_feature(chol, "chol", train_ds)
thalach_encoded = encode_numerical_feature(thalach, "thalach", train_ds)
oldpeak_encoded = encode_numerical_feature(oldpeak, "oldpeak", train_ds)
slope_encoded = encode_numerical_feature(slope, "slope", train_ds)
all_features = tfk.layers.concatenate(
x = tfk.layers.Dense(config["units"], activation=config["activation"])(
x = tfk.layers.Dropout(config["dropout_rate"])(x)
output = tfk.layers.Dense(1, activation="sigmoid")(x)
model = tfk.Model(all_inputs, output)
optimizer = tfk.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=config["learning_rate"])
model.compile(optimizer, "binary_crossentropy", metrics=["accuracy"])
stopper_callback = TFKerasStopperCallback(
history = model.fit(
return history, stopper_callback.budget
history, budget = create_and_fit_model()
class History:
history = {
"accuracy": None,
"val_accuracy": ["F_fit"],
"loss": None,
"val_loss": None,
history, budget = History(), 0
objective = history.history["val_accuracy"][-1]
metadata = {
"loss": history.history["loss"],
"val_loss": history.history["val_loss"],
"accuracy": history.history["accuracy"],
"val_accuracy": history.history["val_accuracy"],
metadata = {k:json.dumps(v) for k,v in metadata.items()}
metadata["budget"] = budget
return {"objective": objective, "metadata": metadata}
The objective maximized by DeepHyper is the "objective"
value returned by the run
In this tutorial it corresponds to the validation accuracy of the last epoch of training which we retrieve in the History
object returned by the model.fit(...)
objective = history.history["val_accuracy"][-1]
Using an objective like max(history.history['val_accuracy'])
can have undesired side effects.
For example, it is possible that the training curves will overshoot a local maximum, resulting in a model without the capacity to flexibly adapt to new data in the future.
3.5. Define the Hyperparameter optimization problem#
Hyperparameter ranges are defined using the following syntax:
Discrete integer ranges are generated from a tuple
(lower: int, upper: int)
Continuous prarameters are generated from a tuple
(lower: float, upper: float)
Categorical or nonordinal hyperparameter ranges can be given as a list of possible values
[val1, val2, ...]
from deephyper.hpo import HpProblem
# Creation of an hyperparameter problem
problem = HpProblem()
# Discrete hyperparameter (sampled with uniform prior)
problem.add_hyperparameter((8, 128), "units", default_value=32)
# Categorical hyperparameter (sampled with uniform prior)
"elu", "gelu", "hard_sigmoid", "linear", "relu", "selu",
"sigmoid", "softplus", "softsign", "swish", "tanh",
problem.add_hyperparameter(ACTIVATIONS, "activation", default_value="relu")
# Real hyperparameter (sampled with uniform prior)
problem.add_hyperparameter((0.0, 0.6), "dropout_rate", default_value=0.5)
# Discrete and Real hyperparameters (sampled with log-uniform)
problem.add_hyperparameter((8, 256, "log-uniform"), "batch_size", default_value=32)
problem.add_hyperparameter((1e-5, 1e-2, "log-uniform"), "learning_rate", default_value=1e-3)
Configuration space object:
activation, Type: Categorical, Choices: {elu, gelu, hard_sigmoid, linear, relu, selu, sigmoid, softplus, softsign, swish, tanh}, Default: relu
batch_size, Type: UniformInteger, Range: [8, 256], Default: 32, on log-scale
dropout_rate, Type: UniformFloat, Range: [0.0, 0.6], Default: 0.5
learning_rate, Type: UniformFloat, Range: [1e-05, 0.01], Default: 0.001, on log-scale
units, Type: UniformInteger, Range: [8, 128], Default: 32
3.6. Evaluate a default configuration#
We evaluate the performance of the default set of hyperparameters provided in the Keras tutorial.
out = run(RunningJob(parameters=problem.default_configuration))
objective_default = out["output"]["objective"]
metadata_default = out["metadata"].copy()
print(f"Accuracy of the default configuration is {objective_default:.3f} with a budget of {metadata_default['budget']} epochs.")
Accuracy of the default configuration is 0.787 with a budget of 100 epochs.
{'output': {'objective': 0.7868852615356445,
'metadata': {'loss': '[0.8586015105247498, 0.7996073365211487, 0.7143529653549194, 0.7026970982551575, 0.6131916046142578, 0.5995704531669617, 0.5482029318809509, 0.5406618714332581, 0.5241131782531738, 0.524106502532959, 0.49953699111938477, 0.48616209626197815, 0.4766983389854431, 0.4396292269229889, 0.42282265424728394, 0.4252450466156006, 0.42260438203811646, 0.40739893913269043, 0.38850900530815125, 0.39543795585632324, 0.38968002796173096, 0.3746700584888458, 0.3902652859687805, 0.34748750925064087, 0.3520696759223938, 0.37348535656929016, 0.3489677906036377, 0.3853694796562195, 0.3613702654838562, 0.34566059708595276, 0.32275688648223877, 0.2991926074028015, 0.32832810282707214, 0.3174874782562256, 0.3352506458759308, 0.31052303314208984, 0.3016624450683594, 0.3174218535423279, 0.3001049757003784, 0.320993036031723, 0.30082637071609497, 0.30680087208747864, 0.31447672843933105, 0.28569477796554565, 0.29206568002700806, 0.31954723596572876, 0.32253536581993103, 0.30184730887413025, 0.3012655973434448, 0.2885284721851349, 0.2924761474132538, 0.27612340450286865, 0.28211188316345215, 0.27235496044158936, 0.28846436738967896, 0.29557710886001587, 0.2503412067890167, 0.27671802043914795, 0.2697695791721344, 0.270313024520874, 0.27802953124046326, 0.2447458654642105, 0.27979663014411926, 0.24681539833545685, 0.23311007022857666, 0.24984775483608246, 0.2718290090560913, 0.25780507922172546, 0.2598930597305298, 0.24725821614265442, 0.25572851300239563, 0.25640401244163513, 0.2774571478366852, 0.25011134147644043, 0.25798243284225464, 0.23662544786930084, 0.23648932576179504, 0.2736731469631195, 0.2540879547595978, 0.2552516758441925, 0.27141138911247253, 0.25138428807258606, 0.24117296934127808, 0.24266380071640015, 0.2398163378238678, 0.24061521887779236, 0.2434554100036621, 0.25063556432724, 0.24322843551635742, 0.241098552942276, 0.23228313028812408, 0.23064105212688446, 0.23888643085956573, 0.2367614358663559, 0.22047720849514008, 0.2215237319469452, 0.21931636333465576, 0.24564103782176971, 0.2615945637226105, 0.21107320487499237]',
'val_loss': '[0.7731939554214478, 0.7041282653808594, 0.6490469574928284, 0.6033157706260681, 0.566530704498291, 0.5350698232650757, 0.5093625783920288, 0.48751768469810486, 0.47036299109458923, 0.45570504665374756, 0.44297927618026733, 0.4324043095111847, 0.42428669333457947, 0.41646507382392883, 0.4094529449939728, 0.4042246341705322, 0.3995428681373596, 0.3959790766239166, 0.3934732675552368, 0.39177680015563965, 0.39164412021636963, 0.3913073241710663, 0.38937148451805115, 0.3881676495075226, 0.38752859830856323, 0.3878481984138489, 0.3882769048213959, 0.3893079459667206, 0.39045751094818115, 0.38898178935050964, 0.3874622583389282, 0.38792648911476135, 0.3885522484779358, 0.3897016644477844, 0.3899131417274475, 0.3892446458339691, 0.3893031179904938, 0.39050817489624023, 0.3913511037826538, 0.39246517419815063, 0.39239686727523804, 0.39178910851478577, 0.3916884958744049, 0.3904183804988861, 0.38918906450271606, 0.38943561911582947, 0.3889676630496979, 0.38773661851882935, 0.38719406723976135, 0.3878912031650543, 0.3887121081352234, 0.3896653354167938, 0.3893643915653229, 0.39059385657310486, 0.3905489444732666, 0.39046376943588257, 0.390889972448349, 0.3924510180950165, 0.3930373191833496, 0.3926296532154083, 0.3929689824581146, 0.3926841616630554, 0.39288032054901123, 0.39369523525238037, 0.3942595422267914, 0.39491453766822815, 0.3940185308456421, 0.3942662477493286, 0.39511701464653015, 0.3963031470775604, 0.39753109216690063, 0.39771392941474915, 0.3972932994365692, 0.3978917896747589, 0.39735597372055054, 0.39732155203819275, 0.3984433710575104, 0.39892396330833435, 0.39780914783477783, 0.3956872820854187, 0.3948351740837097, 0.3936671316623688, 0.39478129148483276, 0.3951336145401001, 0.3958606421947479, 0.3964930772781372, 0.3961707651615143, 0.3955737054347992, 0.3949708342552185, 0.3943345844745636, 0.39364561438560486, 0.39376264810562134, 0.3939083218574524, 0.3955366909503937, 0.39585644006729126, 0.3969064950942993, 0.3977656364440918, 0.3982703387737274, 0.39910033345222473, 0.3997335731983185]',
'accuracy': '[0.40082645416259766, 0.4628099203109741, 0.5454545617103577, 0.5330578684806824, 0.6404958963394165, 0.6611570119857788, 0.7479338645935059, 0.7355371713638306, 0.7355371713638306, 0.7355371713638306, 0.7479338645935059, 0.7809917330741882, 0.8140496015548706, 0.797520637512207, 0.78925621509552, 0.8181818127632141, 0.8099173307418823, 0.8223140239715576, 0.8388429880142212, 0.8264462947845459, 0.8016529083251953, 0.8305785059928894, 0.8429751992225647, 0.8512396812438965, 0.85537189245224, 0.8305785059928894, 0.8636363744735718, 0.8305785059928894, 0.8429751992225647, 0.8429751992225647, 0.8760330677032471, 0.8719007968902588, 0.8595041036605835, 0.8760330677032471, 0.8636363744735718, 0.8636363744735718, 0.8595041036605835, 0.8512396812438965, 0.8719007968902588, 0.8471074104309082, 0.8801652789115906, 0.8719007968902588, 0.8636363744735718, 0.8801652789115906, 0.8595041036605835, 0.85537189245224, 0.8636363744735718, 0.8760330677032471, 0.8636363744735718, 0.8801652789115906, 0.8801652789115906, 0.8760330677032471, 0.8719007968902588, 0.8801652789115906, 0.8636363744735718, 0.8801652789115906, 0.9173553586006165, 0.8884297609329224, 0.8636363744735718, 0.8842975497245789, 0.8966942429542542, 0.8842975497245789, 0.8842975497245789, 0.8925619721412659, 0.9049586653709412, 0.8884297609329224, 0.8760330677032471, 0.8884297609329224, 0.8966942429542542, 0.8842975497245789, 0.8760330677032471, 0.8842975497245789, 0.8719007968902588, 0.8884297609329224, 0.8966942429542542, 0.8966942429542542, 0.9173553586006165, 0.8842975497245789, 0.8884297609329224, 0.9049586653709412, 0.8595041036605835, 0.9090909361839294, 0.9173553586006165, 0.8925619721412659, 0.8966942429542542, 0.9049586653709412, 0.8760330677032471, 0.8925619721412659, 0.8925619721412659, 0.9049586653709412, 0.8884297609329224, 0.9049586653709412, 0.8925619721412659, 0.8925619721412659, 0.9214876294136047, 0.8966942429542542, 0.9049586653709412, 0.8884297609329224, 0.9008264541625977, 0.9173553586006165]',
'val_accuracy': '[0.31147539615631104, 0.5081967115402222, 0.688524603843689, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.8032786846160889, 0.7868852615356445, 0.8032786846160889, 0.8032786846160889, 0.8032786846160889, 0.8032786846160889, 0.8032786846160889, 0.8196721076965332, 0.8196721076965332, 0.8196721076965332, 0.8196721076965332, 0.8196721076965332, 0.8196721076965332, 0.8196721076965332, 0.8196721076965332, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8196721076965332, 0.8196721076965332, 0.8196721076965332, 0.8196721076965332, 0.8196721076965332, 0.8196721076965332, 0.8196721076965332, 0.8196721076965332, 0.8196721076965332, 0.8196721076965332, 0.8196721076965332, 0.8196721076965332, 0.8032786846160889, 0.8196721076965332, 0.8196721076965332, 0.8032786846160889, 0.8032786846160889, 0.8196721076965332, 0.8032786846160889, 0.8032786846160889, 0.8032786846160889, 0.8032786846160889, 0.8032786846160889, 0.8032786846160889, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7868852615356445]',
'budget': 100}},
'metadata': {'timestamp_start': 1734356027.126697,
'timestamp_end': 1734356029.408076}}
3.7. Execute Multi-Fidelity Bayesian Optimization#
We create the CBO using the problem
and run
-function defined above. When directly passing the run
-function to the search it is wrapped inside a deephyper.evaluator.ThreadPoolEvaluator if the function is not defined as async
. Then, we also import a stopper from deephyper.stopper.
If you are interested in understanding these stoppers in more details you can check our work at: The unreasonable effectiveness of early discarding after one epoch in neural network hyperparameter optimization
from deephyper.hpo import CBO
# Different stoppers can be used
# from deephyper.stopper import SuccessiveHalvingStopper
# from deephyper.stopper import MedianStopper
from deephyper.stopper import LCModelStopper
# from deephyper.stopper import ConstantStopper
# Instanciate the search with the problem and the evaluator that we created before
max_steps = 100
# stopper = SuccessiveHalvingStopper(max_steps=100)
# stopper = MedianStopper(max_steps=100)
stopper = LCModelStopper(max_steps=max_steps, lc_model="pow3")
# stopper = ConstantStopper(max_steps=10)
search = CBO(
WARNING:root:Results file already exists, it will be renamed to /Users/romainegele/Documents/Argonne/deephyper-tutorials/tutorials/colab/HPS_basic_classification_with_tabular_with_stopper/results_20241216-143352.csv
All DeepHyper’s search algorithm have two stopping criteria:
max_evals (int)
: Defines the maximum number of evaluations that we want to perform. Default to -1 for an infinite number.timeout (int)
: Defines a time budget (in seconds) before stopping the search. Default to None for an infinite time budget.
results = search.search(max_evals=100)
The returned results
is a Pandas Dataframe where columns starting by "p:"
are hyperparameters, columns starting by "m:"
are additional metadata (from the user or from the Evaluator
) as well as the objective
value and the job_id
is a unique identifier corresponding to the order of creation of tasks.objective
is the value returned by the run-function.m:timestamp_submit
is the time (in seconds) when the task was created by the evaluator since the creation of the evaluator.m:timestamp_gather
is the time (in seconds) when the task was received after finishing by the evaluator since the creation of the evaluator.m:timestamp_start
is the time (in seconds) when the task started to run.m:timestamp_end
is the time (in seconds) when task finished to run.m:budget
is the consumed number of epoch for each evaluation.
p:activation | p:batch_size | p:dropout_rate | p:learning_rate | p:units | objective | job_id | job_status | m:timestamp_submit | m:timestamp_start | m:timestamp_end | m:loss | m:val_loss | m:accuracy | m:val_accuracy | m:budget | m:timestamp_gather | |
0 | relu | 32 | 0.500000 | 0.001000 | 32 | 0.836066 | 0 | DONE | 1.456648 | 1.734356e+09 | 1.734356e+09 | [0.7762918472290039, 0.7172616720199585, 0.619... | [0.6589392423629761, 0.5988807678222656, 0.551... | [0.4876033067703247, 0.5537189841270447, 0.636... | [0.6557376980781555, 0.7704917788505554, 0.770... | 27 | 20.899885 |
1 | linear | 59 | 0.339804 | 0.000041 | 107 | 0.344262 | 1 | DONE | 20.921772 | 1.734356e+09 | 1.734356e+09 | [0.8483479619026184, 0.8746565580368042, 0.855... | [0.8820262551307678, 0.8728614449501038, 0.864... | [0.39256197214126587, 0.38842976093292236, 0.3... | [0.3442623019218445, 0.3442623019218445, 0.344... | 4 | 22.924103 |
2 | softsign | 18 | 0.172633 | 0.007230 | 85 | 0.803279 | 2 | DONE | 22.941753 | 1.734356e+09 | 1.734356e+09 | [0.46248531341552734, 0.31250038743019104, 0.2... | [0.39278772473335266, 0.43497249484062195, 0.4... | [0.7520661354064941, 0.8801652789115906, 0.884... | [0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.819... | 24 | 40.662046 |
3 | softplus | 12 | 0.359155 | 0.002343 | 128 | 0.819672 | 3 | DONE | 40.680685 | 1.734356e+09 | 1.734356e+09 | [0.6305540204048157, 0.4230377972126007, 0.357... | [0.38072243332862854, 0.3694585859775543, 0.37... | [0.6818181872367859, 0.7851239442825317, 0.830... | [0.8196721076965332, 0.8360655903816223, 0.868... | 28 | 60.472700 |
4 | swish | 38 | 0.086987 | 0.006820 | 59 | 0.770492 | 4 | DONE | 60.490338 | 1.734356e+09 | 1.734356e+09 | [0.46736523509025574, 0.33972206711769104, 0.3... | [0.4054938852787018, 0.42384105920791626, 0.47... | [0.8057851195335388, 0.85537189245224, 0.87190... | [0.7868852615356445, 0.8196721076965332, 0.836... | 28 | 79.979665 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
95 | linear | 19 | 0.447234 | 0.000349 | 98 | 0.770492 | 95 | DONE | 1362.685955 | 1.734357e+09 | 1.734357e+09 | [0.5967637300491333, 0.5458529591560364, 0.484... | [0.5172630548477173, 0.4642651081085205, 0.431... | [0.6859503984451294, 0.7355371713638306, 0.785... | [0.8196721076965332, 0.8032786846160889, 0.770... | 4 | 1364.798876 |
96 | selu | 28 | 0.558953 | 0.000982 | 29 | 0.590164 | 96 | DONE | 1365.587112 | 1.734357e+09 | 1.734357e+09 | [1.0907986164093018, 0.9619468450546265] | [0.8274208903312683, 0.6619265079498291] | [0.45041322708129883, 0.46694216132164] | [0.4754098355770111, 0.5901639461517334] | 2 | 1366.761830 |
97 | relu | 27 | 0.506526 | 0.000915 | 22 | 0.278689 | 97 | DONE | 1367.168971 | 1.734357e+09 | 1.734357e+09 | [0.7771559953689575] | [0.7669252157211304] | [0.46694216132164] | [0.2786885201931] | 1 | 1368.319722 |
98 | selu | 28 | 0.500093 | 0.000781 | 30 | 0.803279 | 98 | DONE | 1369.933016 | 1.734357e+09 | 1.734357e+09 | [0.7261590957641602, 0.5956395268440247, 0.558... | [0.5315390229225159, 0.47919774055480957, 0.44... | [0.6033057570457458, 0.7231404781341553, 0.702... | [0.8032786846160889, 0.8032786846160889, 0.803... | 4 | 1372.021728 |
99 | selu | 29 | 0.472267 | 0.000967 | 30 | 0.803279 | 99 | DONE | 1373.452655 | 1.734357e+09 | 1.734357e+09 | [0.6962501406669617, 0.6005415320396423, 0.510... | [0.4966993033885956, 0.4508146047592163, 0.427... | [0.6487603187561035, 0.7190082669258118, 0.764... | [0.8360655903816223, 0.8196721076965332, 0.819... | 4 | 1375.494688 |
100 rows × 17 columns
Now that the search is over, let us print the best configuration found during this run.
i_max = results.objective.argmax()
best_job = results.iloc[i_max].to_dict()
print(f"The default configuration has an accuracy of {objective_default:.3f}. \n"
f"The best configuration found by DeepHyper has an accuracy {results['objective'].iloc[i_max]:.3f}, \n"
f"discovered after {results['m:timestamp_gather'].iloc[i_max]:.2f} secondes of search.\n")
The default configuration has an accuracy of 0.787.
The best configuration found by DeepHyper has an accuracy 0.852,
discovered after 155.03 secondes of search.
{'p:activation': 'hard_sigmoid',
'p:batch_size': 82,
'p:dropout_rate': 0.4126235591467216,
'p:learning_rate': 0.0092115321183525,
'p:units': 66,
'objective': 0.8524590134620667,
'job_id': 8,
'job_status': 'DONE',
'm:timestamp_submit': 144.16562676429749,
'm:timestamp_start': 1734356176.3988469,
'm:timestamp_end': 1734356187.2655392,
'm:loss': '[0.6404955983161926, 0.5596279501914978, 0.5096604824066162, 0.46859437227249146, 0.4367007911205292, 0.4165131747722626, 0.38263604044914246, 0.3789560794830322, 0.34091880917549133, 0.3308863341808319, 0.3304624557495117, 0.32781141996383667, 0.3071635365486145, 0.32555460929870605, 0.30638736486434937]',
'm:val_loss': '[0.5006539821624756, 0.44969770312309265, 0.4160424768924713, 0.39829689264297485, 0.3908998966217041, 0.3828335106372833, 0.36841049790382385, 0.3579486608505249, 0.35889461636543274, 0.366230845451355, 0.3804721534252167, 0.3914380371570587, 0.40232497453689575, 0.4068129062652588, 0.4070570766925812]',
'm:accuracy': '[0.6776859760284424, 0.7231404781341553, 0.7520661354064941, 0.7685950398445129, 0.78925621509552, 0.8264462947845459, 0.8305785059928894, 0.8264462947845459, 0.8223140239715576, 0.8388429880142212, 0.8429751992225647, 0.8512396812438965, 0.8719007968902588, 0.8636363744735718, 0.8595041036605835]',
'm:val_accuracy': '[0.7704917788505554, 0.7704917788505554, 0.7868852615356445, 0.7704917788505554, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8524590134620667, 0.8524590134620667, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8360655903816223, 0.8524590134620667, 0.8524590134620667, 0.8524590134620667, 0.8524590134620667, 0.8524590134620667]',
'm:budget': 15,
'm:timestamp_gather': 155.0327229499817}
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
plt.plot(json.loads(metadata_default["val_accuracy"]), color="skyblue", label="Default (val)")
plt.plot(json.loads(metadata_default["accuracy"]), color="skyblue", linestyle="--", label="Default (train)")
plt.plot(json.loads(best_job["m:val_accuracy"]), color="coral", linewidth=2, label="Best Job(val)")
plt.plot(json.loads(best_job["m:accuracy"]), color="coral", linestyle="--", linewidth=2, label="Best Job (train)")
plt.ylim(0.5, 0.9)

We can observe an improvement of more than 3% in accuracy. We can retrieve the corresponding hyperparameter configuration with the number of epochs used for this evaluation (32).
plt.figure(figsize=(40, 2))
cumulated_budget = 1
for i, job in results.iterrows():
val_accuracy = json.loads(job["m:val_accuracy"])
x = np.arange(len(val_accuracy)) + cumulated_budget
cumulated_budget += len(val_accuracy)
plt.plot(x, val_accuracy, label=f"Job {i}")
plt.ylabel("Validation Accuracy")
plt.xlabel("Cumulated Epochs")
plt.ylim(0.75, 0.9)

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