Source code for deephyper.analysis._paxplot

"""Core paxplot functions from:

import copy
import functools
import warnings

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.figure import Figure

class PaxFigure(Figure):

    _safe_inherited_functions = ["savefig", "set_size_inches", "draw", "show"]

    def __init__(self, *args, data=[], **kwargs):
        Paxplot extension of Matplot Figure
        # Setup
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._show_unsafe_warning = True

        # Paxplot attributes
        self._pax_data = []
        self._pax_data_scale = []
        self._pax_lims = []
        self._pax_ticks = []
        self._pax_ticks_scale = []
        self._pax_ticks_labels = []
        self._pax_custom_lims = []
        self._pax_custom_ticks = []
        self._pax_colorbar = False

    def _scale_vals(self, data, lower=None, upper=None):
        Scale `data` between lower and upper

        data : array-like
            Data to be scalled
        lower : numeric, optional
            Lower value for scaling, by default None
        upper : numeric, optional
            Upper value for scaling, by default None

            Scaled data
        # Convert to numpy
        data = np.array(data)

        if lower is None and upper is None:
            lower = data.min()
            upper = data.max()

        # Scale data
        data_scale = (data - lower) / (upper - lower)

        return data_scale

    def _get_color_gradient(self, val, lower, upper, colormap):
        Get color gradient values for the `val`

        val : float
            value to get color for scaling
        lower : float
            Lower value
        upper : float
            Upper value for scaling
        colormap : str
            Matplotlib colormap to use for coloring

        color: str
            string color code
        color = mpl.colors.rgb2hex(
            cm.get_cmap(colormap)(self._scale_vals(val, lower, upper))
        return color

    def _update_plot_lines(self, ax_idx):
        Update plotted lines based on scaled data (_pax_data_scale)

        ax_idx : int
            Axis index to update line data
        if ax_idx == 0:  # First axis
            for i, line in enumerate(self.axes[ax_idx].lines):
                # Replace left y value
                y_l_scaled = self._pax_data_scale[i, ax_idx]
                line.set_ydata([y_l_scaled, line.get_ydata()[1]])
        elif ax_idx == self._pax_data.shape[1] - 1:  # Last axis
            for i, line in enumerate(self.axes[ax_idx - 1].lines):
                # Replace right y value
                y_r_scaled = self._pax_data_scale[i, ax_idx]
                line.set_ydata([line.get_ydata()[0], y_r_scaled])
        else:  # Middle axes
            for i, line in enumerate(self.axes[ax_idx].lines):
                # Replace left y value
                y_l_scaled = self._pax_data_scale[i, ax_idx]
                line.set_ydata([y_l_scaled, line.get_ydata()[1]])
            for i, line in enumerate(self.axes[ax_idx - 1].lines):
                # Replace right y value
                y_r_scaled = self._pax_data_scale[i, ax_idx]
                line.set_ydata([line.get_ydata()[0], y_r_scaled])

    def _update_plot_ticks(self, ax_idx):
        Update ticks based on tick labels (_pax_ticks_labels) and scaled tick
        location data (_pax_ticks_scale)

        ax_idx : _type_

        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("Length of `labels` must be same as length of `ticks`")

        # Set bounds on axis (always between 0 and 1)
        self.axes[ax_idx].set_ylim([0.0, 1.0])

    def _default_format(self):
        Set the default format of a Paxplot Figure
        # Set attributes
        def_vals = [[0, 1]] * len(self.axes)
        def_bools = [False] * len(self.axes)
        self._pax_lims = copy.deepcopy(def_vals)
        self._pax_ticks = copy.deepcopy(def_vals)
        self._pax_ticks_scale = copy.deepcopy(def_vals)
        self._pax_ticks_labels = copy.deepcopy(def_vals)
        self._pax_custom_lims = copy.deepcopy(def_bools)
        self._pax_custom_ticks = copy.deepcopy(def_bools)
        self._pax_invert = copy.deepcopy(def_bools)

        # Remove space between plots
        subplots_adjust_args = {"wspace": 0.0, "hspace": 0.0}

        for ax in self.axes:
            # Remove axes frame

            # Set limits
            ax.set_ylim([0, 1])
            ax.set_xlim([0, 1])

            # Set x ticks
            ax.set_xticks([0], [" "])
            ax.tick_params(axis="x", length=0.0, pad=10)

            # Set y ticks
            ax.set_yticks([0, 1])

        # Adjust ticks on last axis

    def _default_lim(self, ax_idx):
        Set the default limits for an axis. Default limits are between the
        minimum and maximum values.

        ax_idx : int
            Index of matplotlib axes
        # Set attibutes
        self._pax_custom_lims[ax_idx] = False

        # Column statistics
        col = self._pax_data[:, ax_idx]
        minimum = min(col)
        maximum = max(col)

        # Set limits
        self._set_lim(ax_idx=ax_idx, bottom=minimum, top=maximum)

    def _default_ticks(self, ax_idx):
        Set the default ticks for an axis. Default ticks are six labels
        between the current limits of the axis.

        ax_idx : int
            Index of matplotlib axes
        # Set attibutes
        self._pax_custom_ticks[ax_idx] = False

        # Set limits
        n_ticks = 6
        precision = 2
        bottom = self._pax_lims[ax_idx][0]
        top = self._pax_lims[ax_idx][1]
        ticks = np.linspace(bottom, top, num=n_ticks + 1)
        labels = ticks.round(precision)
        self._set_ticks(ax_idx=ax_idx, ticks=ticks, labels=labels)

    def _convert_string_data(self, data: list):
        Convert string input data to numerical data

        data : list
            Data to be plotted from `plot`

        data : list
            Converted `data`
        for col_i in range(len(data[0])):
            # Extract column
            column = [row[col_i] for row in data]

            if type(column[0]) is str:
                # Unique values
                strings = list(dict.fromkeys(column))  # Preserves order
                numbers = list(range(len(strings)))
                numbers = self._scale_vals(

                # Translation of strings to numbers for tick position
                translate_dict = dict(zip(strings, numbers))
                column_translated = [translate_dict.get(item, item) for item in column]
                for row_idx, row in enumerate(data):
                    row[col_i] = column_translated[row_idx]

                # Set ticks
                self.set_ticks(ax_idx=col_i, ticks=numbers, labels=strings)

        return np.array(data)

    def plot(self, data: list, line_kwargs={}):
        Plot the supplied data

        data : array-like
            Data to be plotted

        line_kwargs: dict
            Keyword arguments for lines corresponding to data
        # Initial Checking
        if len(data[0]) < len(self.axes) and not self._pax_colorbar:
                "Supplied data has fewer columns than figure. Figure created "
                "with empty column(s)",
        elif len(data[0]) > len(self.axes):
            raise ValueError(
                "Supplied data has more columns than figure. Please recreate "
                "paxfigure with appropriate n_axes"

        # Convert input data to numpy
        data_input = np.array(data)

        # Check if conversion needed
        if not np.issubdtype(data_input.dtype.type, np.number):
            data_input = self._convert_string_data(data)

        # Update data attributes
        if len(self._pax_data) == 0:
            self._pax_data = data_input
            self._pax_data = np.vstack([self._pax_data, data_input])

        # Scale input data based on current limits
        data_input_scale = data_input.copy().astype(np.single)
        for col_idx, col in enumerate(data_input.T):
            data_input_scale[:, col_idx] = self._scale_vals(

        # Update scaled data attributes
        if len(self._pax_data_scale) == 0:
            self._pax_data_scale = data_input_scale
            self._pax_data_scale = np.vstack([self._pax_data_scale, data_input_scale])

        # Add scaled input data to plot
        for ax_idx, ax in enumerate(self.axes[:-1]):
            ax.plot(data_input_scale[:, ax_idx : ax_idx + 2].T, **line_kwargs)

        # Limits
        for ax_idx in range(self._pax_data.shape[1]):
            if self._pax_custom_lims[ax_idx]:  # Respect custom limits
            else:  # Default limits of data

        # Respect custom ticks
        for ax_idx in range(self._pax_data.shape[1]):
            if self._pax_custom_ticks[ax_idx]:  # Respect custom ticks

    def set_lim(self, ax_idx: int, bottom: float, top: float):
        Set custom limits on axis

        ax_idx : int
            Index of matplotlib axes
        bottom : numeric
            Lower limit
        top : numeric
            Upper limit
        # Set attibutes
        self._pax_custom_lims[ax_idx] = True

        # Set ticks
        self._set_lim(ax_idx=ax_idx, bottom=bottom, top=top)

    def _set_lim(self, ax_idx: int, bottom: float, top: float):
        Private function to set custom limits on axis

        ax_idx : int
            Index of matplotlib axes
        bottom : numeric
            Lower limit
        top : numeric
            Upper limit
        # Check bottom top values
            if bottom == top:
                bottom = bottom - 1.0
                top = top + 1.0
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError(
                f"Both `bottom` and `top` must be numeric values. Currently "
                f"`bottom` is of type {type(bottom)} and `top` is of type"

        # Checking if data is plotted
            self._pax_data[:, ax_idx]
        except TypeError:
            raise AttributeError(
                "Paxplot does not support set_lim if no data has been" "plotted"

        # Set attribute data
        self._pax_lims[ax_idx] = [bottom, top]

        # Scale data
        col = self._pax_data[:, ax_idx]
        self._pax_data_scale[:, ax_idx] = self._scale_vals(
            col, lower=bottom, upper=top

        # Update plot of scaled data

        # Ticks
        if self._pax_custom_ticks[ax_idx]:  # Preserve custom ticks
        else:  # Default ticks

    def set_ticks(self, ax_idx: int, ticks: list, labels=None):
        Set the axis tick locations and optionally labels.

        ax_idx : int
            Index of matplotlib axes
        ticks : list of floats
            List of tick locations.
        labels : list of str, optional
            List of tick labels. If not set, the labels show the data value.
        # Set attibutes
        self._pax_custom_ticks[ax_idx] = True

        # Set ticks
        self._set_ticks(ax_idx=ax_idx, ticks=ticks, labels=labels)

    def _set_ticks(self, ax_idx: int, ticks: list, labels=None):
        Private function to set the axis tick locations and optionally labels.

        ax_idx : int
            Index of matplotlib axes
        ticks : list of floats
            List of tick locations.
        labels : list of str, optional
            List of tick labels. If not set, the labels show the data value.
        # Tick tests ('ask permission' mindset as nested try/except gets nasty)
            ticks + [1]
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError(f"`ticks` must be array-like not type {type(ticks)}")
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError(
                "All entries in `ticks` must be numeric. To set string ticks,"
                " use the `labels` argument"

        # Retrieve matplotlib axes
            ax = self.axes[ax_idx]  # noqa
        except IndexError:
            raise IndexError(
                "You are trying to set the limits of axis with index "
                f"{ax_idx}. However, axis index only goes up to "
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError(f"Type of `ax_idx` must be integer not {type(ax_idx)}")

        # Set tick attibutes
        self._pax_ticks[ax_idx] = ticks

        # Scale tick based on current limits
        lim_bottom = self._pax_lims[ax_idx][0]
        lim_top = self._pax_lims[ax_idx][1]
        self._pax_ticks_scale[ax_idx] = self._scale_vals(
            ticks, lower=lim_bottom, upper=lim_top

        # Tick labels
        if labels is None:
            labels = ticks.copy()
        self._pax_ticks_labels[ax_idx] = labels

        # Update ticks on plots

        # Check if limits need updating
        lim_min = min(self._pax_lims[ax_idx])
        lim_max = max(self._pax_lims[ax_idx])
        if ticks[0] < lim_min or ticks[-1] > lim_max:
            bottom = min(np.append(ticks, lim_min))
            top = max(np.append(ticks, lim_max))
            self._set_lim(ax_idx=ax_idx, bottom=bottom, top=top)

    def set_even_ticks(
        self, ax_idx: int, n_ticks=6, minimum=None, maximum=None, precision=2
        Set evenly spaced axis ticks between minimum and maximum value. If
        no minimum and maximum values are specified, the limits of the
        underlying plotted data are assumed.

        ax_idx : int
            Index of matplotlib axes
        n_ticks : int
            Number of ticks
        minimum : numeric
            minimum value for ticks
        maximum : numeric
            maximum value for ticks
        precision : int
            number of decimal points for tick labels
        # Set custom tick attributes
        self._pax_custom_ticks[ax_idx] = True

        # Set automatic min and maximum
        if minimum is None and maximum is None:
            minimum = self._pax_data[:, ax_idx].min()
            maximum = self._pax_data[:, ax_idx].max()

        # Minimum/maximum check
        if minimum > maximum:
            raise ValueError("Value for `minimum` cannot be greater than `maximum`")

        # Retrieve matplotlib axes
        except IndexError:
            raise IndexError(
                f"You are trying to set the limits of axis with index "
                f"{ax_idx}. However, axis index only goes up to "
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError(f"Type of `ax_idx` must be integer not {type(ax_idx)}")

        # Generate ticks
            ticks = np.linspace(minimum, maximum, num=n_ticks + 1)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError(f"Type of `n_ticks` must be integer not {type(n_ticks)}")
        labels = ticks.round(precision)

        # Set ticks
        self._set_ticks(ax_idx=ax_idx, ticks=ticks, labels=labels)

    def set_label(self, ax_idx: int, label: str):
        """Set the label for the axis

        ax_idx : int
            Index of matplotlib axes
        label : str
            The label text
            ax = self.axes[ax_idx]
        except IndexError:
            raise IndexError(
                f"You are trying to set the limits of axis with index "
                f"{ax_idx}. However, axis index only goes up to "
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError(f"Type of `ax_idx` must be integer not {type(ax_idx)}")


    def set_labels(self, labels: list):
        Set labels for all axes. A wrapper for set_label

        labels : list
            Labels for each axis. Must be same length as number of axes.
        # Checking length
        if len(self._pax_data[0]) != len(labels):
            raise IndexError("Length of `labels` must equal number of axes")

        # Set labels
        for i, label in enumerate(labels):
            self.set_label(i, label)

    def invert_axis(self, ax_idx: int):
        """Invert axis

        ax_idx : int
            Index of matplotlib axes
        # Local vars
            ax = self.axes[ax_idx]  # noqa
        except IndexError:
            raise IndexError(
                f"You are trying to set the limits of axis with index "
                f"{ax_idx}. However, axis index only goes up to "
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError(f"Type of `ax_idx` must be integer not {type(ax_idx)}")

        # Checking if data is plotted
            self._pax_data[:, ax_idx]
        except TypeError:
            raise AttributeError(
                "Paxplot does not support invert_axis if no data has been" "plotted"

        # Set attribute
        self._pax_invert[ax_idx] = True

    def add_legend(self, labels=[]):
        """Create a legend for a specified figure

        labels : list
            List of data labels
        # Check if too many labels supplied
        if len(labels) > len(self.axes[0].lines):
                "More labels supplied than data. Some labels are unused.", Warning

        if len(labels) > 0:
                for ax in self.axes:
                    for i, line in enumerate(ax.lines):
            except IndexError:
                raise IndexError(
                    f"Incorrect number of labels specified. You have supplied "
                    f"{len(labels)} labels, but {len(ax.lines)} were expected"

        # Create blank axis for legend
        n_axes = len(self.axes)
        width_ratios = self.axes[0].get_gridspec().get_width_ratios()
        new_n_axes = n_axes + 1
        new_width_ratios = width_ratios + [1.0]
        gs = self.add_gridspec(1, new_n_axes, width_ratios=new_width_ratios)
        ax_legend = self.add_subplot(gs[0, n_axes])

        # Create legend
        lines = self.axes[0].lines
        labels = [i.get_label() for i in lines]
        ax_legend.legend(lines, labels, loc="center right")

        # Figure formatting
        for i in range(n_axes):
            self.axes[i].set_subplotspec(gs[0:1, i : i + 1])

    def add_colorbar(self, ax_idx: int, cmap="viridis", colorbar_kwargs={}):
        """Add colorbar to paxfigure

        ax : int
            axes index
        data : array-like
            Data to be plotted
        cmap : str
            Matplotlib colormap to use for coloring
        colorbar_kwargs : dict
            Matplotlib colorbar keyword arguments
        # Attribute
        self._pax_colorbar = True

        # Local vars
        n_lines = len(self.axes[0].lines)
        n_axes = len(self.axes)

        # Testing
        except IndexError:
            raise IndexError(
                f"You are trying to set the limits of axis with index "
                f"{ax_idx}. However, axis index only goes up to "
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError(f"Type of `ax_idx` must be integer not {type(ax_idx)}")

        # Change line colors
        for i in range(n_lines):
            # Get value
            if ax_idx < len(self.axes) - 1:
                scale_val = self.axes[ax_idx].lines[i].get_ydata()[0]
                scale_val = self.axes[ax_idx - 1].lines[i].get_ydata()[1]
            # Get color
            color = self._get_color_gradient(scale_val, 0, 1, cmap)
            # Assign color to line
            for j in self.axes[:-1]:

        # Create blank axis for colorbar
        width_ratios = self.axes[0].get_gridspec().get_width_ratios()
        new_n_axes = n_axes + 1
        new_width_ratios = width_ratios + [0.5]
        gs = self.add_gridspec(1, new_n_axes, width_ratios=new_width_ratios)
        ax_colorbar = self.add_subplot(gs[0, n_axes])

        # Create colorbar
        sm =
                vmin=self._pax_lims[ax_idx][0], vmax=self._pax_lims[ax_idx][1]
        self.colorbar(sm, orientation="vertical", ax=ax_colorbar, **colorbar_kwargs)

        # Figure formatting
        for i in range(n_axes):
            self.axes[i].set_subplotspec(gs[0:1, i : i + 1])

def add_unsafe_warning(func, fig):
    Generate warning if not supported by Paxplot

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        if fig._show_unsafe_warning:
                f"The function you have called ({func.__name__}) is not "
                "officially supported by Paxplot, but it may still work. "
                "Report issues to "
        return func(*args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper

def disable_unsafe_warnings(func, fig):
    Temporarily disables safety warnings for the duration of the function

    This allows a known safe function needs to make safe calls to otherwise
    unsafe functions without throwing a warning.

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        original_flag_value = fig._show_unsafe_warning
        fig._show_unsafe_warning = False
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        fig._show_unsafe_warning = original_flag_value
        return result

    return wrapper

[docs]def pax_parallel(n_axes: int): """ Wrapper for paxplot analagous to the matplotlib.pyplot.subplots function Parameters ---------- n_axes : int Number of axes to create Returns ------- fig : PaxFigure Paxplot figure class """ # Check type of n_axes try: width_ratios = [1.0] * (n_axes - 1) except TypeError: raise TypeError( f"n_axes should by of type int. You have supplied a type" f"{type(n_axes)}" ) # Create figure width_ratios.append(0.0) # Last axis small fig, _ = plt.subplots( 1, n_axes, sharey=False, gridspec_kw={"width_ratios": width_ratios}, FigureClass=PaxFigure, ) fig._default_format() pax_figure_functions = set( filter( lambda func_name: callable(getattr(PaxFigure, func_name)), vars(PaxFigure).keys(), ) ) unsafe_functions = set( filter( lambda func_name: ( func_name not in PaxFigure._safe_inherited_functions and func_name not in pax_figure_functions ), dir(Figure), ) ) # Add unsafe function warnings for func_name in dir(PaxFigure): cond_1 = not func_name.startswith("__") cond_2 = not func_name.startswith("_") cond_3 = not func_name.startswith("get") cond_4 = callable(getattr(PaxFigure, func_name)) if cond_1 and cond_2 and cond_3 and cond_4: func = getattr(fig, func_name) if func_name in unsafe_functions: func = add_unsafe_warning(func, fig) else: func = disable_unsafe_warnings(func, fig) setattr(fig, func_name, func) return fig