import numpy as np
import warnings
from scipy.stats import norm
def gaussian_acquisition_1D(
"""A wrapper around the acquisition function that is called by fmin_l_bfgs_b.
This is because lbfgs allows only 1-D input.
return _gaussian_acquisition(
np.expand_dims(X, axis=0),
def _gaussian_acquisition(
"""Wrapper so that the output of this function can be
directly passed to a minimizer.
# Check inputs
X = np.asarray(X)
if X.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError(
"X is {}-dimensional, however," " it must be 2-dimensional.".format(X.ndim)
# Check if the deterministic acquisition function variant should be used
deterministic = False
if "d" == acq_func[-1]:
deterministic = True
acq_func = acq_func[:-1]
if acq_func_kwargs is None:
acq_func_kwargs = dict()
xi = acq_func_kwargs.get("xi", 0.01)
kappa = acq_func_kwargs.get("kappa", 1.96)
# Evaluate acquisition function
per_second = acq_func.endswith("ps")
if per_second:
model, time_model = model.estimators_
if acq_func in ["LCB"]:
func_and_grad = gaussian_lcb(
X, model, kappa, return_grad, deterministic=deterministic
if return_grad:
acq_vals, acq_grad = func_and_grad
acq_vals = func_and_grad
elif acq_func in ["EI", "PI", "EIps", "PIps"]:
if acq_func in ["EI", "EIps"]:
func_and_grad = gaussian_ei(
X, model, y_opt, xi, return_grad, deterministic=deterministic
func_and_grad = gaussian_pi(
X, model, y_opt, xi, return_grad, deterministic=deterministic
if return_grad:
acq_vals = -func_and_grad[0]
acq_grad = -func_and_grad[1]
acq_vals = -func_and_grad
if acq_func in ["EIps", "PIps"]:
if return_grad:
mu, std, mu_grad, std_grad = time_model.predict(
X, return_std=True, return_mean_grad=True, return_std_grad=True
mu, std = time_model.predict(X, return_std=True)
# acq = acq / E(t)
inv_t = np.exp(-mu + 0.5 * std**2)
acq_vals *= inv_t
# grad = d(acq_func) * inv_t + (acq_vals *d(inv_t))
# inv_t = exp(g)
# d(inv_t) = inv_t * grad(g)
# d(inv_t) = inv_t * (-mu_grad + std * std_grad)
if return_grad:
acq_grad *= inv_t
acq_grad += acq_vals * (-mu_grad + std * std_grad)
elif acq_func in ["MES"]:
acq_vals = -gaussian_mes(X, model, deterministic=deterministic)
if return_grad:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Gradient not implemented for MES acquisition function."
raise ValueError("Acquisition function not implemented.")
if return_grad:
return acq_vals, acq_grad
return acq_vals
def gaussian_lcb(X, model, kappa=1.96, return_grad=False, deterministic=False):
"""Use the lower confidence bound to estimate the acquisition
The trade-off between exploitation and exploration is left to
be controlled by the user through the parameter ``kappa``.
X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Values where the acquisition function should be computed.
model : sklearn estimator that implements predict with ``return_std``
The fit estimator that approximates the function through the
method ``predict``.
It should have a ``return_std`` parameter that returns the standard
kappa : float, default 1.96 or 'inf'
Controls how much of the variance in the predicted values should be
taken into account. If set to be very high, then we are favouring
exploration over exploitation and vice versa.
If set to 'inf', the acquisition function will only use the variance
which is useful in a pure exploration setting.
Useless if ``method`` is not set to "LCB".
return_grad : boolean, optional
Whether or not to return the grad. Implemented only for the case where
``X`` is a single sample.
values : array-like, shape (X.shape[0],)
Acquisition function values computed at X.
grad : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Gradient at X.
# Compute posterior.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
if return_grad:
mu, std, mu_grad, std_grad = model.predict(
X, return_std=True, return_mean_grad=True, return_std_grad=True
if kappa == "inf":
return -std, -std_grad
return mu - kappa * std, mu_grad - kappa * std_grad
if deterministic:
mu, std_al, std_ep = model.predict(
X, return_std=True, disentangled_std=True
std = std_ep
mu, std = model.predict(X, return_std=True)
if kappa == "inf":
return -std
return mu - kappa * std
def gaussian_pi(X, model, y_opt=0.0, xi=0.01, return_grad=False, deterministic=False):
"""Use the probability of improvement to calculate the acquisition values.
The conditional probability `P(y=f(x) | x)` form a gaussian with a
certain mean and standard deviation approximated by the model.
The PI condition is derived by computing ``E[u(f(x))]``
where ``u(f(x)) = 1``, if ``f(x) < y_opt`` and ``u(f(x)) = 0``,
if``f(x) > y_opt``.
This means that the PI condition does not care about how "better" the
predictions are than the previous values, since it gives an equal reward
to all of them.
Note that the value returned by this function should be maximized to
obtain the ``X`` with maximum improvement.
X : array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_features)
Values where the acquisition function should be computed.
model : sklearn estimator that implements predict with ``return_std``
The fit estimator that approximates the function through the
method ``predict``.
It should have a ``return_std`` parameter that returns the standard
y_opt : float, default 0
Previous minimum value which we would like to improve upon.
xi : float, default=0.01
Controls how much improvement one wants over the previous best
values. Useful only when ``method`` is set to "EI"
return_grad : boolean, optional
Whether or not to return the grad. Implemented only for the case where
``X`` is a single sample.
values : [array-like, shape=(X.shape[0],)
Acquisition function values computed at X.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
if return_grad:
mu, std, mu_grad, std_grad = model.predict(
X, return_std=True, return_mean_grad=True, return_std_grad=True
if deterministic:
mu, std_al, std_ep = model.predict(
X, return_std=True, disentangled_std=True
std = std_ep
mu, std = model.predict(X, return_std=True)
# check dimensionality of mu, std so we can divide them below
if (mu.ndim != 1) or (std.ndim != 1):
raise ValueError(
"mu and std are {}-dimensional and {}-dimensional, "
"however both must be 1-dimensional. Did you train "
"your model with an (N, 1) vector instead of an "
"(N,) vector?".format(mu.ndim, std.ndim)
values = np.zeros_like(mu)
mask = std > 0
improve = y_opt - xi - mu[mask]
scaled = improve / std[mask]
values[mask] = norm.cdf(scaled)
if return_grad:
if not np.all(mask):
return values, np.zeros_like(std_grad)
# Substitute (y_opt - xi - mu) / sigma = t and apply chain rule.
# improve_grad is the gradient of t wrt x.
improve_grad = -mu_grad * std - std_grad * improve
improve_grad /= std**2
return values, improve_grad * norm.pdf(scaled)
return values
def gaussian_ei(X, model, y_opt=0.0, xi=0.01, return_grad=False, deterministic=False):
"""Use the expected improvement to calculate the acquisition values.
The conditional probability `P(y=f(x) | x)` form a gaussian with a certain
mean and standard deviation approximated by the model.
The EI condition is derived by computing ``E[u(f(x))]``
where ``u(f(x)) = 0``, if ``f(x) > y_opt`` and ``u(f(x)) = y_opt - f(x)``,
if``f(x) < y_opt``.
This solves one of the issues of the PI condition by giving a reward
proportional to the amount of improvement got.
Note that the value returned by this function should be maximized to
obtain the ``X`` with maximum improvement.
X : array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_features)
Values where the acquisition function should be computed.
model : sklearn estimator that implements predict with ``return_std``
The fit estimator that approximates the function through the
method ``predict``.
It should have a ``return_std`` parameter that returns the standard
y_opt : float, default 0
Previous minimum value which we would like to improve upon.
xi : float, default=0.01
Controls how much improvement one wants over the previous best
values. Useful only when ``method`` is set to "EI"
return_grad : boolean, optional
Whether or not to return the grad. Implemented only for the case where
``X`` is a single sample.
values : array-like, shape=(X.shape[0],)
Acquisition function values computed at X.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
if return_grad:
mu, std, mu_grad, std_grad = model.predict(
X, return_std=True, return_mean_grad=True, return_std_grad=True
if deterministic:
mu, std_al, std_ep = model.predict(
X, return_std=True, disentangled_std=True
std = std_ep
mu, std = model.predict(X, return_std=True)
# check dimensionality of mu, std so we can divide them below
if (mu.ndim != 1) or (std.ndim != 1):
raise ValueError(
"mu and std are {}-dimensional and {}-dimensional, "
"however both must be 1-dimensional. Did you train "
"your model with an (N, 1) vector instead of an "
"(N,) vector?".format(mu.ndim, std.ndim)
values = np.zeros_like(mu)
mask = std > 0
improve = y_opt - xi - mu[mask]
scaled = improve / std[mask]
cdf = norm.cdf(scaled)
pdf = norm.pdf(scaled)
exploit = improve * cdf
explore = std[mask] * pdf
values[mask] = exploit + explore
if return_grad:
if not np.all(mask):
return values, np.zeros_like(std_grad)
# Substitute (y_opt - xi - mu) / sigma = t and apply chain rule.
# improve_grad is the gradient of t wrt x.
improve_grad = -mu_grad * std - std_grad * improve
improve_grad /= std**2
cdf_grad = improve_grad * pdf
pdf_grad = -improve * cdf_grad
exploit_grad = -mu_grad * cdf - pdf_grad
explore_grad = std_grad * pdf + pdf_grad
grad = exploit_grad + explore_grad
return values, grad
return values
def gaussian_mes(X, model, k_samples=10, deterministic=False):
"""Use the max-value entropy to calculate the acquisition values.
Source implementation:
The conditional probability `P(y=f(x) | x)` form a gaussian with a certain
mean and standard deviation approximated by the model.
The EI condition is derived by computing ``E[u(f(x))]``
where ``u(f(x)) = 0``, if ``f(x) > y_opt`` and ``u(f(x)) = y_opt - f(x)``,
if``f(x) < y_opt``.
This solves one of the issues of the PI condition by giving a reward
proportional to the amount of improvement got.
Note that the value returned by this function should be maximized to
obtain the ``X`` with maximum improvement.
X : array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_features)
Values where the acquisition function should be computed.
model : sklearn estimator that implements predict with ``return_std``
The fit estimator that approximates the function through the
method ``predict``.
It should have a ``return_std`` parameter that returns the standard
y_opt : float, default 0
Previous minimum value which we would like to improve upon.
xi : float, default=0.01
Controls how much improvement one wants over the previous best
values. Useful only when ``method`` is set to "EI"
return_grad : boolean, optional
Whether or not to return the grad. Implemented only for the case where
``X`` is a single sample.
values : array-like, shape=(X.shape[0],)
Acquisition function values computed at X.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
if deterministic:
mu, std_al, std_ep = model.predict(
X, return_std=True, disentangled_std=True
std = std_ep
mu, std = model.predict(X, return_std=True)
# MES is defined for a maximization problem but the model prediction are for minimization
# we map minimization to maximization by multiplying by -1
mu *= -1
# check dimensionality of mu, std so we can divide them below
if (mu.ndim != 1) or (std.ndim != 1):
raise ValueError(
"mu, std_al, std_ep are {}-dimensional and {}-dimensional, "
"however both must be 1-dimensional. Did you train "
"your model with an (N, 1) vector instead of an "
"(N,) vector?".format(mu.ndim, std.ndim)
values = np.zeros_like(mu)
eps = 1e-10
std = np.maximum(std, eps)
for _ in range(k_samples):
y_sample = norm.rvs(loc=mu, scale=std)
gamma = (np.max(y_sample) - mu) / std
pdfgamma = np.maximum(norm.pdf(gamma), eps)
cdfgamma = np.maximum(norm.cdf(gamma), eps)
values += 0.5 * gamma * pdfgamma / cdfgamma - np.log(cdfgamma)
values /= k_samples
return values