Running Tests#

For automatic tests in DeepHyper we use the Pytest package.

Tests corresponding to deephyper modules are located in the tests folder.

The default test command that corresponds to the default installation of the package pip install deephyper is (from the root of the repository):


This command will run all the tests in the tests/ folder without any pytest.mark.*.

We use markers to classify tests that have specific requirements. Possible marks are:

  • slow: marks to define a slow test. For example, the training of a model or the execution of Bayesian optimization.

  • torch: marks to define a test that requires PyTorch installed.

  • tf_keras2: marks to define a test that requires Tensorflow/Keras 2 installed.

  • ray: marks tests which needs Ray installed.

  • mpi: marks tests which needs mpi4py and an MPI implementation (e.g., openmpi, mpich) installed.

  • redis: marks tests which needs Redis-Stack installed (i.e., includes RedisJSON).

  • jax: marks tests which needs JAX installed.

  • sdv: marks tests which needs SDV package installed.

  • memory_profiling: marks tests which use psutil installed to profile memory as its behaviour can vary depending on the system were it installed.

The command that we use to run tests with specific markers is:

pytest --run-marks-subset "slow,torch,tf_keras2,mpi,redis" tests/

This command will run all the tests in the tests/ folder that have a subset of mentionned markers such as:

def test_some_test_just_slow():

def test_some_test_using_torch():

def test_some_test_using_mpi():

Testing Examples and Notebooks#

To test examples from deephyper/examples/ or tutorial notebooks the develop branch of deephyper can be installed with pip by using the following command:

!pip install -e "git+"

Writing Tests#

Tests are located in the tests folder. Each module from deephyper should have a corresponding test module with the same name but with the test_ prefix.

For example, the deephyper/stopper/ module should have a corresponding tests/deephyper/stopper/ module.

The test module should start by importing pytest.

import pytest

Then, each test function should have a name starting with test_. For example, the module should have a test_median_stopper function.

def test_median_stopper():

This function can use markers to classify its type. For example, the test_median_stopper function could be decorated with the @pytest.mark.redis marker if the test uses the RedisStorage.

def test_median_stopper():

Each test function creating data (files or directly) should use a temporary directory and make sure the corresponding files are deleted at the end of the test. The tmp_path fixture is used for this purpose.

def test_median_stopper(tmp_path):


If you want to know more about temporary directory or file check the Pytest documentation: How to use temporary directories and files in tests.

Profiling Tests#

Tests can become slow. To identify sections of code that are slow during tests the Pytest-Profile plugin can be easily installed and used:

$ pip install pytest-profiling
$ pytest tests/hpo/ --profile